List of space ships (technical information) / X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude  

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List of space ships (technical information)

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Ship name:
Found ships: 388
Ship nameClassRaceSpeedHullGeneratorMax shieldsTurretsHangarCargobayPrice
MammothTLArgon58871 500 0003 30017 100200MJ51 000 00045: M3 M4 M56000060000ST28 497 125
MercuryTSArgon5010060 00060085025MJ375 00010:30004000XL189 335
Mercury TankerTSArgon5010060 00060085025MJ375 00010:30004000XL189 335
Mercury HaulerTSArgon408057 00060085025MJ4100 00010:60008000XL520 690
Mercury Tanker XLTSArgon326560 00060085025MJ5125 00010:57007600XL520 690
Mercury Super FreighterTSArgon387757 00066085025MJ5125 00010:55507400XL520 690
Mercury Super Freighter XLTSArgon367251 00066085025MJ5125 00010:885011800XL1 325 500
ExpressTPArgon6015060 00060045025MJ375 00010:750750L408 045
Express HaulerTPArgon6616561 80060045025MJ375 00010:862862L1 122 290
MagnetarTMArgon5511063 0001 000850200MJ2400 00024: M3 M4 M510001500XL284 040
ColossusM1Argon49794 000 0008 20053 2002GJ36 000 000660: M3 M4 M588008800XL67 092 098
TitanM2Argon35495 000 00014 400276 4002GJ48 000 00060:1000010000XL68 560 758
NovaM3Argon6015020 0007505 60025MJ375 00010:86236L1 610 680
Nova RaiderM3Argon7619019 0008255 60025MJ375 00010:77216L1 610 680
Nova VanguardM3Argon6616519 0008256 72025MJ375 00010:81224L2 013 370
Nova SentinelM3Argon4912320 0008255 60025MJ375 00010:77214L2 254 970
EclipseM3Argon5213025 0001 2508 000200MJ1200 00020:120320L5 356 220
BusterM4Argon621757 0002502 0505MJ315 00000:23108M408 045
Buster RaiderM4Argon792236 6502752 0505MJ210 00000:2097M612 150
Buster VanguardM4Argon691936 6502752 4605MJ315 00000:21102M510 060

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