Sector Ceo's Sprite / X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude  

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Sector Ceo's Sprite

Sector Ceo's Sprite
Security level:Border
North gate:Blue Profit [follow]0, 27, 36.63
South gate:Company Pride [follow]0, 27, -32.88
East gate:
West gate:

Ceo's Sprite Stations:
Teladi Shipyard1206.8
Military Outpost32.303
Teladi Trading Station-
Photon Pulse Cannon Forge alpha18.80-24
Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge alpha25.50-18.8
Medium shield Production Complex alpha-18.71.915.6
Marine Training Barracks M alpha29.33-2.3
Light Weapons Complex alpha-19.9-10.75.5
Light shield Production Complex alpha-164.727.5
Image Recognition Production Complex alpha331.919.7
Heavy shield Production Complex alpha-23.2-4.5-8
Flak Artillery Array Forge alpha-240-25.5
Dumbfire Missile Production Complex alpha25.5-6.525.2
Drone Factory alpha-30.1-6.44.1

Ceo's Sprite Asteroids:

Ceo's Sprite Map:
Width: km     Height: km

You can see Ceo's Sprite on map »

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