Boron Mosquito Missile Factory / Factory characteristics / X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude  

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Boron Mosquito Missile Factory / Factory characteristics

Boron Mosquito Missile Factory
Hull:10 000 000
Shield (KJ):9 000 000
Shield power generator:2 000
Hangar (ship):5
Cycle time:00:01:12
Number of production (per hour):18
Production (per hour):900
Factory price:551 852
Where to buy factory "Boron Mosquito Missile Factory" »


Mosquito Missile
Number of production (per hour):18
Store size:3332
Ware class:S
Ware volume:1
Min price:126
Max price:210
Average income (without spending on resources):151 200 Cr/hour

Resources: (click the name of resource to find where it is produce)

Energy Cells
Spending (per cycle):18
Spending (per hour):900
Store size:5000
Ware class:S
Ware volume:1
Min price:12
Max price:20
Average spending (per hour):14 400 Cr

Spending (per cycle):3
Spending (per hour):150
Store size:832
Ware class:XL
Ware volume:8
Min price:50
Max price:206
Average spending (per hour):19 200 Cr

Spending (per cycle):3
Spending (per hour):150
Store size:832
Ware class:M
Ware volume:5
Min price:190
Max price:394
Average spending (per hour):43 800 Cr

Estimate value (based on the average factory price)
Average income (production selling):151 200 Cr/hour
Average spending (production buying):77 400 Cr/hour
Average profits (income - spending):73 800 Cr/hour

For scripts and modding

« Factories properties

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