Factories / X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude  

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Type factory name:

List of factories produced "Silicon Wafers"

Factories found: 12
Name of factory/stationHullShieldGeneratorHangarProductionPrice
Argon Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584549 972
Argon Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:58101 139 416
Boron Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584623 268
Boron Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:58101 402 356
Paranid Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584545 360
Paranid Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:58101 227 060
Split Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584499 980
Split Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:58101 022 552
Teladi Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584449 988
Teladi Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:5810905 688
Terran Silicon Mine M3 000 0008 000 00010005-00:01:584402 528
Terran Silicon Mine L7 500 0009 000 00010005-00:01:5810805 056

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