Royal Boron Shipyard / Big Shipyard / X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude
X3 Albion Prelude  

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Royal Boron Shipyard / Big Shipyard

Royal Boron Shipyard
Station type:Big Shipyard
Sector:Queen's Retribution [view on map]
Sector's coordinates:(17, 14)

List of wares
NameContainerVolumeMin ratingPrice
Boron Solar Power Plant LST15750+49 904 140
Boron Solar Power Plant MST10500+44 401 840
Boron Ion Mine FabST15000+52 246 368
Boron Computer PlantST14000+51 415 340
Boron Flail Missile Production FacilityST13000+52 876 128
Boron Silicon Mine LST14250+31 402 356
Boron Silicon Mine MST9500+3623 268
Boron Satellite FactoryST16500+4876 472
Boron Chip PlantST16000+55 012 124
Boron Bio Gas Factory LST16500+3561 528
Boron Bio Gas Factory MST11000+3224 636
Boron Plankton Farm LST13500+3799 992
Boron Crystal Fab LST20500+56 622 236
Boron Hammer Torpedo Fabrication FacilityST13000+52 876 128
Boron Plankton Farm MST9000+3320 008
Boron Quantum Tube FabST13500+55 051 080
Boron Cyclone Missile FactoryST12500+78 823 156
Boron Ion Pulse Generator ForgeST18000+710 434 568
Boron Photon Pulse Cannon ForgeST23500+812 265 940
Boron Tomahawk Missile Manufacturing PlantST13000+52 876 128
Boron BoFu Chemical Lab LST15000+42 024 976
Boron Ore Mine LST12000+31 139 416
Boron BoFu Chemical Lab MST10000+4809 992
Boron Tempest Missile FactoryST15500+77 706 464
Boron Ore Mine MST8000+3549 972
Boron Stott Mixery LST18750+42 483 340
Boron Crystal Fab MST15000+52 973 516
Boron Stott Mixery MST12500+41 103 708
Boron Recon Drone Construction FacilityST14500+52 349 724
Boron Equipment DockST10500+748 692 916
Boron Ion Cannon ForgeST19000+714 096 276
Boron Weapon Component FactoryST12000+5655 732
Boron Shield Prod. Facility 1GJST19500+78 159 636
Boron Complex Construction KitST4250+5259 696
Boron Dragonfly Missile FactoryST11000+51 045 276
Royal Boron Trading StationST14000+630 514 228
Boron Particle Accelerator Cannon ForgeST16000+54 028 788
Boron Mosquito Missile FactoryST10000+4551 852
Boron Ion Disruptor ForgeST13500+710 461 836
Boron Shield Prod. Fac. 200 MJST16000+65 386 084
Boron Solar Power Plant XLST22000+417 607 360
Octopus--+249 320
Pike--791 876
Mako Sentinel--+3584 420
Mako Vanguard--+3463 902
Advanced Barracuda--+42 671 872
Mako Raider--+3556 654
Mako--+3371 076
Skate--+55 166 159
Megalodon--+8128 304 360
Barracuda Sentinel--+42 070 418
Sturgeon--+61 669 443
Barracuda Vanguard--+41 848 515
Barracuda Raider--+42 218 219
Barracuda--+41 478 811
Ray--+886 266 977
Shark--+861 619 223
Pleco--+4306 742
Manta Hauler--+21 275 717
Manta--+2463 902
Angel--+51 832 087
Dolphin Super Freighter XL--+31 732 762
Dolphin Super Freighter--+3680 723
Dolphin Tanker XL--+3680 723
Dolphin Hauler--+3680 723
Dolphin Tanker--+3247 490
Dolphin--+3247 490
Orca--+522 182 928
Marlin--+65 265 446
Kraken--+850 858 175
Thresher--+738 044 972
Heavy Hydra--+625 226 651
Hydra--+58 610 214
Octopus Sentinel--+286 291
Octopus Vanguard--+261 589
Octopus Raider--+273 942

Presented only tentative prices and wares (they correct only at the moment new game starts).

Sector "Queen's Retribution" »

Attention! On this site forbidden any discussions of crack programs for X3 Albion Prelude (any cracks, nocd, nodvd etc).